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oil man , chinese dream

“now, everybody was discussing the chinese dream, i think, realizing the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation, is the greatest dream of the chinese nation since the modern time. president xi also said:we are closer than in any other time of history to the goal of rejuvenating the chinese nation. we are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than in any other period of history.

being an oil man,i always ask myself what can i do for our great chinese dream ?  as we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the stronger the youths are ,the stronger the nation will be. as a new generation of oil science research,  every one here shouldering the great historical mission of making china powerful and strong. you may say that this may exaggerate our role, but i want to say you are wrong. if i am a little screw ,our great dream may be a multifunction and complex machine. through this example i just want to say i am very tiny but i am indispensable .

to build cnpc into a major integrated international energy corporation’s goal has been established, which is encouraging and challenging millions of oil workers. it is a significant noble mission to achieve this goal—also the greatest dream of all the oilman, and our future is bright. at the same time, we must fully recognize that when facing the new historical opportunities,  hopes, opportunities and challenges coexist, we must be prepared, pragmatic and expansive. using the strength of development and science to create and to meet a more brilliant future of china petroleum.

having a dream is bracing ,however, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

i believe that as long as all of our staff unite together and work hard ,perform our own functions and responsibilities . we must be able to achieve our great dream meanwhile eich ourselves unwittingly! let us unite together to make our company an  integrated international energy company and realize chinese nations great rejuvenation to struggle!









The Chinese people are extremely proud of the bright 5000 year history of China.

In the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Han nationality was basically formed, and the Chinese people stood tall in the East and were influential all over the world.

In the Tang Dynasty, countless foreigners came to the Central Plains to pursue their dreams. The grand occasion of "tolerance is great" made later generations want to dream back to the Tang Dynasty.

In the Song Dynasty, the prosperity of the river during the Qingming Festival, the freedom and openness of culture were enough to make today"s education and culture ashamed. Maybe some scholars had the impulse to dream back to the Song Dynasty!

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Western world overtook China, while we were still sleeping in the dream of China.

In 1840, the stinking opium of the British awakened Lin Zexu and others;

The gunfire of the Eight Power Allied Forces woke Sun Yat sen, Li Hongzhang and others;

The Japanese samurai saber with cold light woke up the whole country.

So the people of all ethnic groups in the country united against the enemy and finally achieved national independence.

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong announced loudly to the world from the Tiananmen Gate tower: The Chinese people have stood up! At this time, there were tears in Chairman Mao"s eyes.


What is revival?

In my opinion, rejuvenation is just that we can go fishing at Diaoyu Island with ease. Because our motherland is as powerful as the Han Dynasty;

Revival is just that one day our dean will not have black hair or yellow skin. Because our society is as big as the Tang Dynasty;

The revival is only that one day we can publish an article in the People"s Daily saying that today"s performance of the General Secretary is not as good as that of the Mayor of Huizhou. Because our political and cultural freedom and openness are as good as that of the Song Dynasty.

History is the past, respect history, understand history, summarize history, history is the future, and the glory of history can shine into the Chinese dream of every Chinese.


  秦汉,汉民族既基本形成,华夏儿女便屹立于东方,威震四海。  大唐,无数外国人来到中原追寻他们的梦想,有容乃大的盛况令后人有种想梦回唐朝的遐想和追求。  宋朝,清明上河的繁荣、文化的自由、开放足以使今日之教育、文化汗颜。或许有那么些学者曾有过梦回宋朝的冲动吧!  明清,西方世界赶超中国,而我们依然沉睡在天朝上国的迷梦中。  1840年,英国人恶臭的鸦片,熏醒了林则徐等人;  八国联军的枪炮声,震醒了孙中山、李鸿章等人;  日本人那闪着寒光的武士军刀,冷醒了全国人民。  于是全国各族人民同仇敌忾,终于取得了民族独立。  1949年10月1日,毛泽东***在天安门城楼上大声的向全世界宣布:中国人民从此站起来了!此时毛***的眼眶淌着泪花。  2012年11月29日,习总书记正式定义中国梦:实现伟大复兴是近代以来最大的梦想。  复兴,何为复兴?  在我看来,复兴只不过是我们可以悠然自得的去钓鱼岛钓鱼。因为我们的祖国如大汉朝般威震四海;  复兴只不过是有一天我们的院长可以不是黑头发、黄皮肤。因为我们的社会如大唐朝般有容乃大;  复兴只不过有一天我们可以在《人民日报》上发表文章说:今天总书记的表现还不如咱惠州市长。因为我们的政治、文化的自由和开放比大宋朝有过之无不及。  历史是过去,尊重历史、了解历史、总结历史,历史便是未来,历史的光辉便能照进每一个中国人心里的中国梦。  


The motherland is our mother, the cradle of all life. I love my motherland, so I should always say to myself: I am Chinese, and I am proud of it! Time was once condensed on October 1, 1949, when the towering Chinese watch was covered with the first ray of dawn in the morning, when the magnificent Tiananmen Square welcomed a new round of sun, when countless martyrs raised the five-star red flag in Tiananmen Square with blood, and the great leader Chairman Mao"s loud voice spread all over the world: the Central People"s Government of the People"s Republic of China was established! The Chinese people have stood up ever since! How precious this moment is for a nation that has suffered a lot and suffered a lot of bullying! China, a loud name; A name that shocks the world; A name that made countless Chinese people proud was born. The oriental lion, who has been sleeping for thousands of years, finally stands tall in the world. This is a boiling motherland; This is a country at the height of the sun! The motherland, this ancient land, is like a noble lady with high moral integrity and dignity: the rolling Great Wall is her gorgeous necklace; The Great Khingan Mountains in the boundless forests are her beautiful colorful clothes; The magnificent Mount Tai is her shining ring; Qili Zhangjiajie is her elegant golden crown. Today, I am proud that I am a child of the Chinese nation; Tomorrow, my motherland will be proud of me. Liang Qichao once said: If you are young, your country will be strong; Youth is rich, then the country is rich; If the youth stands tall in the world, the country stands tall in the world. Although today we do not need to accept the test of war and fear that our country will fall, we have the responsibility and obligation to take over the baton in the hands of our predecessors, work hard and make progress actively to do our part in the construction of the motherland. I love my motherland. For a better future of the great motherland, I will study hard with my motherland in mind, the world in mind, and a grateful heart. I will shoulder my responsibilities. I believe that the future of my beloved motherland will be even better!

祖国是哺育我们的母亲,是所有生命的摇篮。我爱我的祖国,因此,我要时常对自己说:我是中国人,我为此而骄傲!  时间曾经凝聚在1949年10月1日,当巍峨的华表披上清晨的第一缕曙光,当雄伟的天安门迎来新一轮的太阳,当无数先烈用鲜血染红的五星红旗在天安门广场冉冉升起,伟大的领袖毛***洪亮的声音传遍了全世界:中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立了!中国人民从此站起来了!这一时刻,对于一个饱经忧患、尽受欺凌的民族来说是多么宝贵啊!中国,一个响亮的名字;一个让世界震撼的名字;一个让无数华夏儿女为之骄傲的名字从此诞生了。沉睡了千百年的东方雄狮终于昂首立于世界之林。这是一个沸腾的祖国;这是一个如日中天的祖国!  祖国,这片古老的土地,她如一位德高望重、雍容华贵的贵妇人:连绵起伏的长城是她华丽的项链;莽莽林海的大兴安岭是她俊俏的彩衣;壮丽的泰山是她闪亮的戒指;奇丽的张家界是她高雅的金冠。  今天,我以自己是中华民族的儿女而骄傲;明天,祖国将会为我自豪。梁启超曾说过:少年强,则国强;少年富,则国富;少年屹立于世界,则国屹立于世界。虽然今天的我们不需要接受战火的考验,不需要担心国土会沦陷,但是,我们有责任、有义务接过前辈手中的接力棒,艰苦奋斗,积极进取,为祖国的建设尽一份自己的力量。  我爱我的祖国,为了伟大祖国美好的明天,我将胸怀祖国,放眼世界,怀着一颗感恩的心,去努力学习,我会扛起我应尽的责任。  我相信,我深爱着的祖国的明天将会更加美好!

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